Dangers of Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea MaskPeople tend to ignore the disorder of sleep apnea thinking the snoring that is often associated with the condition is just an annoyance and will eventually go away. The truth of the matter is that it is a condition that causes a person to stop breathing for seconds to minutes at a time; this deep down at its core is considered a sleep disorder and therefore requires serious attention. The good news is that once identified, the use of a CPAP Machine and Apnea Mask have proven to be successful in helping millions sleep apnea sufferers.
Unfortunately, if left untreated, Sleep apnea will not just go away or cure itself. It is a condition that will cause a person to lose sleep and can ultimately cause more serious medical conditions, including such life threading problems as Congestive Heart Failure and/or Cor Pulmonale (heart enlargement). The best way to treat it is to understand some of the dangers that are associated with it. With this knowledge, you are able to make better choices about a proper treatment plan with your Doctor and have more of a sense of urgency to be compliant with the prescribed therapy.
Excessive Sleepiness
One of the main dangers of sleep apnea is more of an annoyance than a danger in that it disturbs sleep at night. During a sleep apnea event the person will wake several times throughout the night and experience bouts of paused breathing. As a result, in the morning the person will wake up tired and annoyed and experience throughout their day excessive daytime drowsiness. For this reason, that people who suffer from sleep apnea are often times advised not to drive until they can be treated effectively.
Lack of Concentration, Psychological Problems, and Weight Gain
It has also been noted in people that there is a severe lack of concentration among people who suffer from apnea episodes during sleep. This can affect either performance at their job or at work as a result. It is also worth mentioning that people who suffer from sleep apnea also suffer from psychological problems as well. This will also lead to weight gain as this is brought on by an increase in appetite due to a lack of sleep.
Lack of Oxygen Leads to Heart Complications
Another danger of sleep apnea is the lack of oxygen that reaches the brain. Our bodies thrive on oxygen and when that is not present we have a strain placed upon our heart as a result. The lack of oxygen occurs when the body is deprived of oxygen due to pauses that occur in a person's breathing. When this occurs, your heart overcompensates (or is required to work harder) in order to deliver the needed oxygen to all parts of the body. As a result of this overcompensation, areas of the heart can actually increase in size (due to the fact they are working harder) and increased high blood pressure can occur which ultimately lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Estimates show that over 18 million people in the United States are affected by sleep apnea and only 10% of those are properly diagnosed. If you sense that you are having issues at night, don't hesitate to contact your doctor about being tested for sleep apnea. It is easily treatable in most cases as long as a person is compliant with their therapy. This can range from change in diet, to the application of dental devices, or the use of CPAP equipment and Apnea mask.
With the serious possibility of negative heart conditions, can you really afford not to get tested? It is important to note that losing weight for many people can be all it takes to stop the apnea from occurring. But, the most popular form of apnea treatment is that of CPAP Machine and an Apnea Mask.
Ray Burk is the Editor and Publisher of ApneaMask.net a site that discusses the latest sleep apnea treatments. To learn more, go here to discover more great ideas on how to fight Sleep Apnea and get that good night's rest that you deserve now!