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A cpap machine machine helps a patient in many ways when it comes to treating obstructive sleep apnea. By far, the most important among them is that it negates the need for surgery. It is a non-invasive method of restoring sleep that is widely used by physicians across the nation today. As a matter of fact, it is the most effective and preferred method of treating obstructive sleep apnea. It helps restore undisturbed sleep to the patient by preventing the short pauses in breath that occur during their sleeping cycles. In medical circles, this is more commonly referred to as apnea.

It is always better to try out the cpap mask interface that comes with these units before going ahead and investing in one of these devices. Many patients feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic wearing masks that cover the entire face and forehead. For this reason, there are masks that are molded just to cover the nose of the patient to make them feel less uncomfortable. Some notable and common side effects of using cpap machines during the very early stages include sneezing, irritation of the eyes and face, a sore throat, bloating of the abdomen, and air leakage around the mask due to improper wearing. These symptoms will disappear gradually with more regular usage of the unit.

Once the sleep apnea machine is used correctly, it does its work very effectively and works very well for the patient. Therefore, care must be taken to insure that you choose the correct model that suits you even if it takes time. Your physician can help you with this process. In addition, your physician can refer you to a durable medical equipment company, where a qualified clinician will assist you in finding the correct cap unit and mask interface that is just right for you.

The advantages of using these machines are many. Research shows that continuous use of these machines reduces patient's daytime sleepiness as they have adequate rest during the night. Other benefits include improved memory and a reduction of high blood pressure. A sleep apnea machine works very well for those people who suffer from moderate to severe states of this condition. It is not particularly useful for those suffering from milder symptoms. The milder cases may easily be corrected by making some lifestyle changes, such as losing weight.

In any case, if your have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea or think you may suffer from it, consult you physician to recommend the best type of treatment for you.

Sleep Apnea Mask
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Why Use a Sleep Apnea Machine?