Sleep apnea is a rigorous medical condition wherein the breathing of a person slows down due to complication in the breathing airways and sometimes stops for about five to ten seconds in the middle of your sleep. It has an occurrence of about two to three times in a night that causes and gives serious effects to the patient suffering it. Sleep apnea can complicate and affect more various medical problems like the blood pressure, thyroid glands, heart diseases and even depression. It can also cause heart attacks, respiratory illness and even sexual dysfunctions. Luckily, sleep apnea has this treatment called CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) treatment and this treatment is enhanced by using the CPAP Pillows.
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) pillow is the recommended pillow to be used when undergoing a CPAP therapy/treatment. It has been studied that CPAP therapy is definitely effective if it is administered correctly. The CPAP treatment uses a mask that helps in splinting the airways for you to gasp air easily and comfortably. The mask is placed either on the nose or on your mouth and could also cover your nose and mouth at once. The mask is then connected by a tube from the CPAP machine for the pressurized air to pass on through your throat. As this device is used on the treatment, using a normal pillow gives inconvenience and then that is where CPAP bed pillows enter the medical treatment.
With constant innovations and updates, there is not only one type of CPAP bed pillows that is available for the discretion of the sleep apnea patients but there are few quite options. Using a normal pillow won't give you fulfilling a benefit that is given by the CPAP bed pillows. By using this special kind of pillow, it will really get you into a comfortable and sound sleep.
Some of the pillow is designed with empty spaces that provide sufficient spaces to provide support and convenience for the treatment and for the patient. There are also pillows that can be adjusted depending on the comfort zone the patient wants. The use of this special pillow is more common among those people that are seeking for freedom and flexibility in choosing their sleeping position without moving the mask and shifting the position while undergoing the therapy.
Benefits are extensively given by this special kind of pillow like it allows you to have a good night sleep while undergoing the CPAP therapy despite wearing a mask. It provides adequate neck and back support, ensures that the mask doesn't tangles and maintaining its 100% effectiveness, gives relief to the spine and to the neck for a comfortable and hassle-free sleep, and it can be used as a tandem with any quality of a CPAP mask.
It is still recommended that sleep apnea patients will try all the available types and quality of CPAP bed pillows for them to achieve guaranteed satisfaction and healthy lifestyle. You can also try it by lying in different positions to ensure the comfort you can get and experience in that certain type of pillow.
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