Sleep Apnea is a serious condition that affects many people all over the world every year. It causes repeated stoppages in your breathing while you sleep, these episodes most often happen for only around ten to thirty seconds in length, but can go on repeating for the entire night. It can lead to many other health problems as well if left untreated, which is often the case with many sufferers.
There is more than just one kind of this sleep disorder a person can have, each being caused by something different. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the upper airway getting blocked in some way when you are sleeping, while central is when the part of the brain that controls your breathing does not work in the way it should. It however, can be treated successfully by a doctor or specialist.
People who suffer from this often do not even realize that they have it. They just don't know how to properly recognize the signs and symptoms. Most cases usually are only realized after the person suffering from it seeks help because of daytime sleepiness, or snoring and pauses in breathing pointed out by their spouse, roommate, etc. Snoring can be a common symptom, but does not necessarily mean that you have this condition. If you have a snoring problem, don't assume you have it, consult a doctor and they will be able to diagnose the cause of your snoring properly. From there, you can learn how to fixed the problem, whether it is sleep apnea or something different.
Some of the many symptoms:
Waking up with a headache, sleepiness during the day or while doing things such as driving, memory loss, sudden mood changes, depleted sex drive, snoring, choking or gasping while asleep and several others.
These are only possible symptoms, if you have one or more symptoms and believe you might have sleep apnea, talk to a doctor and have it properly diagnosed.
Sleep ApneaFor more information on sleep apnea treatments [], go to []