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Sleep Apnea Mask

Doctors report that in order to maximize CPAP therapy compliance, it is paramount to have a comfortable apnea mask with the proper fit. Sleep apnea patients are typically initially fitted for a CPAP mask at the sleep laboratory. There are numerous types of sleep apnea masks most being made out of soft silicone plastic. In fact, it is very possible that your sleep laboratory may not of exposed you to all of different options at the time of your fitting and there could be one out there that better meets your needs. Listed below is a summary of the various sleep apnea masks.

The Nasal Apnea Mask: This is the most commonly prescribed apnea mask and the one that most new patients initially try. This CPAP mask fits around the entire nose and is held in place with elastic headgear and/or straps.

The Nasal Cushion Apnea Mask: This mask works in similar way to the Nasal Mask but it uses a "nose cushion" that seals over your nostrils. It is different because it seals under your nose instead of around of it. Many patients report that this mask is more comfortable than the standard Nasal Mask..

The Full Face Apnea Mask: Another popular apnea mask is the Full Face Mask. This mask is also held in place with elastic headgear or straps and seals around both your nose and mouth. This mask is recommended for people who are "mouth breathers" and is also recommended for people who are suffering from a clogged nose or have congestion.

Nasal pillows: Created for patients who sleep on their side or stomach or who have a mustache or bread, these devices seal against the outside edge of each nostril and are typically a lot smaller than a Nasal Mask. The pillows open into the nostril but are not inserted inside. The Nasal Pillows are held in place with elastic headgear.

Nasal Prongs: This device works in a similar fashion as a Nasal Cannula used in oxygen therapy in that it has two prongs that are inserted into each nostril and rather than sealing around the outside edge of the nose. The Prongs are bigger than that seen in a Nasal Cannula and they seal the inside of the nostrils.

Oral Apnea Mask: This mask fits directly into the mouth to deliver the CPAP air pressure. The Oral Mask uses an elastic strap to keep it in place. Additionally, because the CPAP is not getting naturally motorized by the mucous membranes located in the nasal passageways, it requires the use of a heated humidifier attached to CPAP Machine so that drying out the mouth does not occur.

Total Face Apnea Mask: This mask is typically used as a last resort and is for someone who sleeps on their back. This apnea mask works similarly to the Full Face mask except it seals over the entire area of the face with the goal of not letting any air leak out of areas around the face.

CPAP Mask Replacement: Medicare and most insurance companies typically reimburse for sleep apnea therapy and allow for mask replacement every 3 to 6 months because most silicone masks start to deteriorate during that time by becoming to soft to hold a seal. Replacement for Nasal pillows and Nasal prongs may be required more often, check with your provider for details.

It is important to note that apnea mask sizing is not an exact science and can be difficult to achieve and that only a trained professional should perform the task. Be sure to be on the lookout for any air leaks in your CPAP mask system because that will reduce the effectiveness of your overall sleep apnea therapy. In addition, try to avoid headgear that is too tight because it could result in facial sores at pressure points.

Ray Burk is the Editor of ApneaMask.net an informational site that discusses the latest sleep apnea issues and treatments. To learn more, go here to get great ideas on how to treat your sleep apnea and discover the latest Apnea Mask options now.

Choosing the Right Apnea Mask - Discover the Latest Ones Now!