Sleep Apnea Masks - Why Use the Nasal Pillow Sleep Apnea Mask
Sleep ApneaIf you suffer from sleep apnea, you should be wearing a sleep apnea mask. You probably already know that the only effective treatment for the disease is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or CPAP) machine. Currently there is no cure for sleep apnea, and if left untreated it can cause serious problems for the sufferer. Those problems include heart disease and stroke amongst other issues. So this is a very serious disease and should be treated.
The CPAP machine blows pressurized air through a tube, and this pressurized air helps to keep the airways open. The interface between the tubing and the user is a mask. There are several types of masks available. Here are three reasons to consider nasal pillows.
1. Claustrophobia. If you suffer from claustrophobia, the larger facial masks may cause you discomfort as they rest in your field of vision.
2. Smallest mask available. The nasal pillows are currently the smallest mask available. They do not interfere with the users ability to read or watch television while wearing the mask.
3. Less likely to break the seal. If you sleep on your side, you are likely to push on your mask and this can cause it to move out of position causing the seal to break. This causes loud air leaks and can result in apnea events occurring. The noise of the air leak can also be disturbing to your sleep partner. Nasal pillows are much less likely to be displaced if the user sleeps on his or her side than any other mask available today.
Of course, the CPAP interface is a very personal thing and each user is different. If you are a mouth-breather, the nasal pillow type of sleep apnea mask is probably not a good solution for you. You should discuss your options with your sleep doctor.
Click here for more information on sleep apnea masks