Sleep Apnea is estimated to affect over 20 million people in the United States alone. Perhaps you are one of them. Maybe someone you love has just been diagnosed, or worse yet could be one of the 95% of cases that go undiagnosed each year. Below are some of the treatments and cures that we have found. We hope you find them useful.
If you are lucky enough to have light sleep apnea, there are some steps you can take to alleviate your symptoms and perhaps eliminate them all together.
Stop using anything that relaxes the muscles in your throat before going to bed - This includes alcohol, sedatives, or tobacco. If you must drink, try to finish up 3-4 hours before bed.
Lose some weight - Studies have shown that losing just 10% of your current body weight can improve your sleep quality and reduce sleep apnea.
Keep regular sleep hours - Getting to bed at a consistent time time helps level out your body's natural sleep cycle and encourages restful sleep.
Raise the head of your bed a few inches - Raising up your bed just 4-6 inches can make a difference in the quality of sleep that you can get each night.
Open up your nasal passages with Breath Right strips, nasal spray, or a nasal dilator.
If the above remedies are not getting the results you desire, please consider seeking medical attention with a sleep specialist or a dentist that specializes in dental sleep medicine. Once diagnosed properly the most common treatments are as follows:
Lower jaw adjustment devices, dental appliances, and oral devices - Lower jaw devices fit around the head and correct the position of the jaw which increases air flow while you sleep. Dental appliances are like a mouth guard and work in a similar manner.
While the oral devices are less cumbersome than other methods they must be closely watched by your dentist to ensure that no damage or excessive soreness in your mouth occurs.
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) - CPAP is the most commonly prescribed treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. It consists of a mask that is connected to a device that keeps a positive flow of pressure in your airway to keep your soft tissues from collapsing. In the past, many users complained about the devices being uncomfortable or difficult to use. The latest models have greatly improved and bring increased comfort in a smaller size.
Surgery - While considered a last resort for some, surgery remains a viable solution be increasing the airway. The potential benefits should be weighed against the chance for infection, complications, or potentially worsening the problem. This treatment should not be taken lightly, and should be discussed with your medical provider.
For those who find these options unattractive there are some alternative treatments that have been found as well. Please take these with a grain of salt.
Playing the didgeridoo - A 2005 study in the British Medical Journal found that learning and practicing the didgeridoo helped reduce snoring and sleep apnea as well as daytime sleepiness. This appears to work by strengthening muscles in the upper airway, thus reducing their tendency to collapse during sleep.
Herbal Cures - Herbalist Steve Frank currently promotes an herbal remedy called Sleep Apnea Relief™. His product uses lobelia to stimulate the respiratory system as well as other herbs to counteract nausea. He claims to have had great success with the product and currently sells it online.
Sleep apnea is a serious condition. Our hope is that the information has helped you in making an informed decision in your choices for treatment and cures.
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